

Boudoir Photographer based in Montgomery, Alabama and destination. Empowering women to take pride in their body and femininity through tasteful imagery that tells their story. Bamabear is a featured Photographer on Design Aglow's Boudoir Week 2017 and Long Live Film instructor.

Session N

I am scared to share my story. I am scared to be vulnerable. I am scared to share how sensitive I am. I am scared to be judged. I am scared of rejection. I am scared of not being liked. I am scared to say no. I am scared to set boundaries. I am scared for my mental health. I am scared for my physical health. I am scared that my relationships are falling apart. I am scared I have been too stubborn. I am scared to make mistakes. I am scared to share my real thoughts. I am scared to fell more emotion and mental pain. I am scared to be different. I am scared that I will hurt someone’s feelings. I am scared if I do not listen to others. I am scared to share my beliefs. I am scared that I will be controlled. I am scared that I am not worthy. I am scared that I am not valued. I am scared that I am not talented and educated enough. I am scared I am not giving enough. I am scared that I am not fast, strong, attractive, wealthy, or curvy enough. I am scared I don’t have enough energy. I am scared to say what I want. I am scared to be myself. I am scared I am too open. I am scared I am too loving. I am scared to say my desires. I am scared to not be loved.

I can no longer carry all of these fears. I will be open to overcoming them. Even if it seems like no progress is being made. Each day, progress is being made. Each day I wake up and I don’t give up. Each day I help at least one person in some way. Each day I receive love and give love. My emotional state can be low and my fears are high however, I haven’t given up.